Design Fruition Strapline

fruition's sustainable design

“There is no such thing as sustainable packaging right now except maybe an egg or a banana” Anne Johnson - Sustainable Packaging Coalition USA.

Sustainability is at the heart of all our designs and innovation. We know the packaging business inside-out. We can develop the right structural pack solutions for your business that meet both the consumers wants, needs and expectations as well as delivering really cost effective pack formats that work down your production line.

Reduce – In general, reduce the size, the thickness, the weight, the number of components, and benchmark against the best in class is the standard approach, however this is already being progressed to some extent within most client companies in terms of normal cost reduction and various commitments to reduce the amount of packaging. Straightforward weight and cost reduction is not always the sole way forward, this has to be balanced against product protection (minimising product waste) and consumer functionality. Maximise yield by using low density polymers.
Re-use - Look at returnable packaging for all closed loop systems (particularly with client suppliers), offer refill packs, give a secondary use to the pack.
Recycle – Concentrate on mono-material, or easily separated materials that either have existing Post Consumer recycling infrastructure or are likely to have. Look to start using recycled materials where possible. Best ‘green credentials’ might be obtained from using locally sourced rPET film for instance.

Let us help you develop a coherent packaging strategy.

Site by Mudskipper Designs